2022年3月 My home country: Hong Kong in the British Era
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- 2022年3月 My home country: Hong Kong in the British Era
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My life experience in Tokyo is start from 2018. This blog I would like to express how can I practice one of our core values: Humility. If you are browsing our website, I think you may notice that how we definite humility. So, I will not repeat same phrase in here. Before joining Albemarle Japan, I was living in my home country Hong Kong and never separate with my parents until 2018. Hong Kong has a unique culture because it was ruled by British around 150 years before 1997.
We have an Asian face but out inside is strongly influenced by Western culture. Even Chinese culture is kept but we developed a so-called “Hong Kong style” Chinese culture with western ideas. We are proud of this uniqueness identity in international stage. If you have chance to visit Hong Kong do not miss out the tangible cultural heritage in our town. Personally, the most representative building built in British era is our former legislative council. You can see the building with a Rome style dome on the top. At the beginning, the function was a law court but gradually switch to legislative council in a certain period. Another ionic building is Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong. The building in the right-hand side.
Why I strongly recommend you visit is they serve a traditional British afternoon tea with a reasonable price. You see the classic 3 layers plates with scones, sandwiches and small size cakes and tarts with a port of earl grey or English breakfast tea. In this place a have so many happy memories with my family in my childhood. I really hope that the pandemic of COVID will be ended soon, and I can go back to my hometown for a long vacation and get back to Tokyo. At the end, I hope you can enjoy my introduction about Hong Kong and makes you like it. Thanks for reading
2022年3月 YM